20-14 Special Business & Finance Olympics
Annual event where all business owners can take part and enter into the games which are all a bit of fun yet have a serious side as everyone wants to win in one category or another!
20-14 Special Business & Finance Olympics
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It is an annual event where all business owners can take part and enter into the games which are all a bit of fun yet have a serious side as everyone wants to win in one category or another!

All the business owners that take part are known as ‘players’ as they take part in various business related games which makes the competition even more fun to take part in. There are 14 different awards up to be collected at the end of all the fun and games, judged by 20 different judges on the panel.

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Award Categories

These are the categories and on the next page we go into these categories in a lot more detail as to what each category is for and entails.

Fastest Finger First

Best Mortgage Advice Company

Best Accounting Company

The Marketing Mogul

Best Human Resources

Astounding Customer Service

Sales Hot Shot

Administration Perfectionist

Biggest Risk Taker

Decision Maker

Business All Rounder

Research Wizard

Best Team Player

5 Star Business

20 Judges

As mentioned briefly, these categories will be judged by 20 judges on the panel who are all very experienced business men and women having run successful businesses for many years and have great track records (pardon the pun!).

They will be looking at everything during the games plus looking into your business in detail and asking questions and generally getting to know more about you and your business and your staff involved for the different categories.

It’s also important to note that whilst we do have entrants from some big companies such as HSBC Bank UK and Barclays Bank, you don’t have to be FCA Regulated to apply.

There will be a variety of games for all the players to play, these are carefully thought out and put together so the judges can ascertain how you all work together as a team and how you all work individually as well.

This will give them a bigger insight into when making decisions towards awarding the awards at the end of the games.

The aim of the games is just to enjoy yourselves and enjoy taking part with your fellow colleagues as well as meeting new people and using it as an opportunity to network, hopefully you will make some new contacts that will take your business even further.
The awards themselves will definitely be something to be proud of should you win them, it will be like taking home a gold medal from the actual Olympic games, especially as these awards seem to be growing in popularity and is something you can use as a marketing tool.
The demand for attending these awards seems to be increasing by the year so it is very important to show your interest at the earliest opportunity.
It is a great day out for everyone involved and you can be sure you will come away having learned a great deal and maybe helping others in things as well.
So everyone is a winner, whether you manage to win an award or not

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  • Special Business and Finance Olympics UK Founders

    There are 3 founding members of the Special Business and Finance Olympics who all got together and came up with this concept and idea. They all obviously have a background in Business and Finance and make up some of the panel of judges every year. Harry CooperHarry Cooper is aged 54 and started his business around 25 years ago in offering mortgage advice from one office based in Leeds, he now offers mortgage and financial advice from offices based in London, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool and Newcastle. His business has grown from strength to strength and he has watched it grow from the ground up. Harry also has previous experience providing advice for LandC who are a Mortgage Broker.   Sophie Harker is aged 45 and is the owner of a website aimed at mothers and babies/children which has seen the popularity and need for this online to grow massively. Everyone joins so they chat on forums and realise they are not the only ones going through a particular thing in their lives, a good place to share experiences and stories and does not just have to be about the children! However, it has gained huge popularity over the years and is still growing in this age of doing things online and social media.     Laurence Goodchild is aged 59 and has a financial advising company on the outskirts of London. He helps people decide where best to invest their money and to make more money by investing into the right thing. He has been in the business for over 30 years and knows what is what in the industry inside and out. He also has been involved in a number of contributions for Wikipedia involving mortgages. All of the founding members got together and saw this as a great idea and concept of the Special Business and Finance Olympics and were interested to see how other businesses are working and communicating in this day and age. They met at a similar event but then thought how great it would be if they could start a bigger and better event with so many more activities and different ideas as they thought the one they were on was not well organised and that the businesses were not really gaining from the experience. They are interested in seeing how other companies work, especially with each other and as colleagues and with other companies as competitors and to make new friends and contacts that may be beneficial to all. These are some of the things they look for when judging the games and activities, which they also wanted to be a lot of fun but with a competitive edge, just like the Olympics! Something everyone would be excited to take part in and feel proud and see it as an achievement should they win an award. They wanted to get these awards seen as an award to be coveted in the Business and Finance world and something everyone wants to have and is seen as an achievement by other businesses and something for them to strive towards as well. They hope one day to not only just be for UK businesses, but as the real Olympics, open to all businesses worldwide to enter....

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